Oracle właśnie opublikował swój nowy cennik dla Produktów Technologicznych. Jakie zmiany nastąpiły? Zapraszamy do lektury krótkiego artykułu naszego Oracle Licence Experta – Andrzeja Orłowskiego

Od razu uspokajam – żadne ceny nie uległy zmianie. Cennik został jedynie rozszerzony o nowe narządzie do wdrażania, zarządzania i zabezpieczania aplikacji opartych na kontenerach w Kubernetes, jakim jest Oracle Verrazzano Enterprise Container Platform.

Licencjonowanie w formie subskrypcji rocznej jest wg Processor, a definicja sposobu licencjonowania Processor została uaktualniona o dodatkowy akapit:

„…For the purposes of the following Program: Verrazzano Enterprise Container Platform, all processors in the nodes in the Kubernetes clusters where Verrazzano images are pulled must be counted when determining the number of subscriptions required. If any Kubernetes node is a virtual machine, then the number of processors on that Kubernetes node is subject to the guidelines documented in the Oracle Partitioning Policy ( In the case where a Kubernetes cluster is used as a dedicated Verrazzano Admin cluster and no managed workloads are run in that cluster, nodes in that cluster can be excluded from the count of processors that require a subscription.”

Definicje zostały także odpowiednio uzupełnione:

Verrazzano Enterprise Container Platform Annual Subscription: is defined as the right to use the specified Program in accordance with the applicable license metric and to receive Oracle Software Update License & Support services for the subscription time period specified on the ordering document. The subscription is effective upon the effective date of the ordering document, unless otherwise stated in Your ordering document. If Your order was placed through the Oracle Store, then the effective date is the date Your order was accepted by Oracle. Oracle Software Update License & Support services are provided under the applicable technical support policies in effect at the time the services are provided. At the end of Your subscription, You may renew Your subscription, if available, at the then current fees for the applicable subscription. If You choose not to renew Your subscription, Your right to use the Program will terminate and You must de-install all software (including any applications, tools, and binaries) provided to You and You may be subject to reinstatement fees if You later choose to reactivate Your subscription.


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